Sentenial to speak at GTE Conference 2018

The Group Treasurers Exchange will bring together 70 of the leading Group Treasurers to discover new ideas and make new connections across a productive two day event. Immerse yourself in interactive group discussions, lively panel debates and one to one meetings focused on finding solutions and strategies to the highest priority challenges to include:

  • Cyber Security And Fraud
  • Unlocking Liquidity
  • Cash Flow Management And Forecasting
  • Risk Management
  • Becoming A Strategic Business Partner

Join our Sales Director, Ronald Baas  and learn why Open Banking and Instant Bank Account Payments Really Matter to Your Business.

Date: 11th September 2018

Time: 1.20pm – 2.20pm

Location: London

900 480 Mark McCabe

Want to learn more?

or any press enquiries please contact Marie O’Riordan, Global Director of Public relations:
+353 87 39 333 71